Fayette County Board of DD offers new program to High School Students with Disabilities

The Fayette County Board of Developmental Disabilities is offering a new program for Fayette County high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  This new program is being offered through our current partnership with OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities).  Pre-Employment Transition Services or Pre-Ets ,  is for any student that is at least 14 years old, with a disability, that is eligible or presumed eligible for OOD services,  The program offers five different services to assist in preparing youth in high school and beyond in learning the skills they will need to make a more successful and seamless transition into adulthood.

* Job Exploration will help students identify where they are in the career planning process, complete interest inventories and conduct informational interviews.  Goal-Discuss career options and learn about in-demand jobs.

*Work-Based Learning will allow students to participate in worksite tours and job shadowing experiences at community businesses obtaining first-hand knowledge of work settings.  Students will learn appropriate worksite behaviors and begin applying the knowledge and tools they learned.  Goal-Experience and gain knowledge about the workplace.

* Instruction in Self-Advocacy will help the students gain an increased awareness of their rights and responsibilities.  Students will learn leadership skills to support success in the workplace, explore and connect with leadership or peer mentoring groups in their communities to expand networks. Goal- To learn skills needed for greater independence.

* Counseling on Postsecondary Opportunities students will understand postsecondary opportunities, including college/university and other adult learning options.  Students will learn about financial literacy, including budgeting, work incentives, and information about student aid options and scholarships. Goal- Explore training options available after graduation.

* Workplace Readiness Training will allow students to learn appropriate work behaviors and demonstrate the ability to meet the employer’s expectations.  Students will participate in mock interviews, complete applications and resume templates.  Students will also understand the impact of their social media profiles and other communication, positive or negative. Goal-Improve social and independent living skills.

If you would like to know more about this program or to get connected with OOD please contact, Betty Hodges, Community Resource Director, at the Fayette County Board of DD 740-335-7453 ext 222