Bill of Rights for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

The rights of persons with developmental disabilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- The right to be treated at all times with courtesy and respect and with full recognition of their dignity and individuality.
- The right to an appropriate, safe, and sanitary living environment that complies with local, state, and federal standards and recognizes the persons’ need for privacy and independence.
- The right to food adequate to meet accepted standards of nutrition.
- The right to practice the religion of their choice or to abstain from the practice of religion.
- The right of timely access to appropriate medical or dental treatment.
- The right of access to necessary ancillary services, including, but not limited to, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and behavior modification and other psychological services.
- The right to receive appropriate care and treatment in the least intrusive manner.
- The right to privacy, including both periods of privacy and places of privacy.
- The right to communicate freely with persons of their choice in any reasonable manner they choose.
- The right to ownership and use of personal possessions so as to maintain individuality and personal dignity.
- The right to social interaction with members of either sex.
- The right of access to opportunities that enable individuals to develop their full human potential.
- The right to pursue vocational opportunities that will promote and enhance economic independence.
- The right to be treated equally as citizens under the law.
- The right to be free from emotional, psychological, and physical abuse.
- The right to participate in appropriate programs of education, training, social development, and habilitation and in programs of reasonable recreation.
- The right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
- The right to select a parent or advocate to act on their behalf.
- The right to manage their personal financial affairs, based on individual ability to do so.
- The right to confidential treatment of all information in their personal and medical records, except to the extent that disclosure or release of records is permitted under sections 5123:89 and 5126.044 [5126.04.4] of the Revised Code.
- The right to voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.
- The right to be free from unnecessary chemical or physical restraints.
- The right to participate in the political process.
- The right to refuse to participate in medical, psychological, or other research or experiments.