OACB is excited to announce a new virtual education series geared specifically towards families and people with DD.
These courses were developed by OACB’s Willie Jones, Director of Health, Safety, and Wellness, and Joe Storad, First Responder Liaison. The purpose of these courses is to increase awareness and promote prevention efforts in the area of abuse and victimization of people with developmental disabilities. Joe Storad worked in a dual capacity between the Summit County Sheriff’s Department and Summit DD for 9 years. Upon completion of his retirement, Joe had over 250 arrests with a 100% conviction rate for crimes committed against people with developmental disabilities.
Sessions include:
- How to Respond to a Law Enforcement Officer
- What to Watch For: Bad People with Bad Intentions
- How to Speak Up When Being Mistreated
- How to Advocate When a Family Member has been a Crime Victim: Insights and Guidance from a Law Enforcement Perspective
There is no cost to attend these courses. More information about each topic, including a link to register via zoom, is on the OACB website, and can be found here: http://www.oacbdd.org/public-education
The first session of How to Respond to a Law Enforcement Officer starts on August 4.
Please contact Willie Jones (wjones@oacbdd.org) if you have any questions.