Employment First

Employment First Hi-Res

The Fayette County Board of DD has been chosen as one of six pilot sites in the state of Ohio for the Employment First Initiative. Employment First was created as a result of an Executive Order by Governor Kasich and is a priority within Ohio to give individuals access to services and supports to work in competitive jobs within their community. Employment First will also offer a greater quality of life and a sense a self-worth by enhancing the careers of people while utilizing their strengths and talents and offer employers dependable and qualified employees. During the pilot program, Fayette County will collaborate with the Pickaway County Board of DD to develop a strategic plan, long-range goals, and determine barriers to competitive employment so other counties across the state of Ohio can have a template to use.

Fayette County currently has a successful rate of community employment placement with over 40 individuals who make minimum wage or higher currently working at community sites. Employment First, as well as the Bridges to Transition program, will help individuals actively contribute to their community as well as earn a living.

Give Betty a call at 740-335-7453 for more information.